Shadow of the Colossus

Rid the land of a dozen lumbering, ancient giants to free a princess from death's hand. Easy, no? Monstrous adversaries in sublimely rendered environments are the hallmarks of this original and existentially profound Japanese hit.

Shadow Of The Colossus

Duis tincidunt libero vitae nisi rutrum ultrices pharetra lacus gravida. Sed ut leo ac diam accumsan tempor a sed enim. Cras nibh ligula, pharetra a tempor at, faucibus aliquet nibh. Cras at lorem ac nisl placerat vehicula. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In sollicitudin facilisis lacus, non ultrices turpis blandit ac. Sed vel eros sed dui rutrum tristique. Sed non nibh neque. Nullam enim risus, feugiat a dictum at, varius sit amet arcu. Donec vitae nisl nunc. Curabitur semper faucibus est at ullamcorper. In id odio nulla.

Vivamus viverra hendrerit vestibulum. In ultricies eros eget tortor pulvinar congue laoreet vel neque. Sed a orci ante, sit amet imperdiet velit. Donec tempor lacus quis augue malesuada rutrum. Donec sed lacus quam, posuere scelerisque velit. Sed vel libero ante, nec euismod augue. Etiam nisl velit, imperdiet vitae tempor nec, porttitor et est. Morbi tempor consectetur porta.

Etiam suscipit risus nec enim tristique lobortis eleifend mi tristique. Vestibulum elit sapien, vehicula et sagittis ac, porttitor id arcu. Phasellus gravida tortor vel tellus dignissim gravida et ut justo. Donec at sem ac massa auctor varius. Pellentesque semper ligula nec nulla porttitor non laoreet leo viverra. Suspendisse nisi quam, ultricies et malesuada quis, condimentum congue diam. Aliquam congue massa sit amet lacus blandit fermentum. Morbi ullamcorper, nisi ut condimentum sodales, lectus mi auctor dui, ac ornare magna dui at nibh. Pellentesque sagittis velit non magna pharetra a varius tortor suscipit. Integer aliquam risus in tortor ullamcorper consectetur.

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User Review

Jumper Art direction. Art direction. One more time – it cannot be overemphasized how much superior this game with its anime aesthetic is to the clunky cartoonish or grimy realist fare churned out by our US studios. The opening cut scene – five minutes long – dares us to admire the majesty of the whole game environment as the hero Wander riding his horse wends his weary way to his fate. more
TheybeGints Surprisingly simple and yet compelling gameplay are the key to the success of Fumito Ueda's new classic. Find the monster, climb the monster, find his weak points, bring him down. Then rinse and repeat. That this simple formula is addictive is a tribute the other variables in the game. more
Wandering This game shows lesser environment designers where to get off. The sheer scale of the 3D kingdom that Wander is required to navigate is mind-boggling, and the ancient buildings, and many vertigo-inducing vistas are a tribute to the overall map design and the skill with which a creative vision is realized. more
Poet I want to comment on the character art and animation in the game. What, there are no characters you say, but each of the colossi (sp?) are incredibly distinctive figures out of ancient Japanese mythological imagination. more